Recently, I came across a vintage market on tiktok, it looked really cool so I decided to check it out. Do you also like to go thrifting?
Then be sure to take a moment to read this, because it’s definitely worth it!
24 hours on the go in Ixelles
Ixelles, also known as the African quarter: Matongé. The side of Brussels where culture, color and lifestyle come together. Most people have their own opinions about Brussels and if they tend to visit it, it’s limited to “Grand-Place” or “Manneke Pis”. Few realize that Brussels is more than just the city center, so let me change that thought by taking you on a 24-hour trip in Ixelles.
WOLF: a food sharing experience
Discover WOLF. A unique concept located in the very heart of our capital. Let yourself be tempted by the colourful decor and the scents of 19 different cuisines.
Brussels, also known as the capital of Europa. The city where the streets are full of locals and tourists from early morning to late at night. From busy bars where you can meet new people to peaceful parks where you can spend hours resting.
24 uur in de hipste wijk van Brussel
Zin in een uitstapje naar onze hoofdstad? Breng dan zeker eens een bezoekje aan Dansaert, de meest trendy wijk van het stadscentrum.
The 4 most original restaurant concepts in Brussels
Brussel has thousands of places. Restaurants, cafés, bars… Today I’m not going to show you the cliché places that I think you can find in many blogs. With me, you will discover the craziest places to eat in Brussels. These are such original concepts that I’m sure you don’t even know exist.
As Victor Hugo said in one of his letters “Dear friend, I am dazzled by Brussels. I will, in turn, make you dazzled by Brussels.
Jong BXL
In kader van onze bachelorproef zijn Ianka, Mariana en ik als groep op zoek gegaan naar jongeren in de stad Brussel. Wij hebben een aantal vragen gesteld omtrent diversiteit, eigen mening over de stad en hangjongeren.
Culture & urban farming
Street interviews: locals on brussels’ leisure scene
Locals on Brussels’ leisure scene
Exploring the canal area
De straatinterviews werden afgenomen nabij de Kanaalzone. De geïnterviewden bestonden zowel uit de lokale bevolking als (inter)nationale publiek. We interviewden mensen van verschillende leeftijdscategoriëen, geslacht en culturele achtergrond.