Writting that story was really dificult for me, because I didn’t really wanted to share it. I hope that after this story peoples .
Breaking Seasonality: Summer above the Arctic Circle
Most people think of Swedish Lapland as the perfect winter destination, and they’re absolutely right! However, there is more to Lapland than winter. Discover this magical arctic part of Sweden in peak summer season and let this pleasant change of scenery surprise you.
All you need is snow
Forget the monotonous beach holidays and entirely enjoy the experience of a snowboarding holiday in Italy. Why would you hesitate to successfully spend your time in SKIARENA Klausberg or SKI RESORT SPEIKBODEN instead of the old-fashioned snow areas in France, Austria or Switzerland? These are undoubtedly one of these incredible snow areas in Italy.
24 hours in Cape Town
Take a plane and get your sun cream ready. Let’s have an incredible 24 hours in Cape Town!
Zon, zand, bergen,
bloed, zweet, tranen,
intens geluk, angst, verbazing,
Het was er allemaal. Lees hier een persoonlijk reisverhaal over het verbazingwekkende Marokko!